Lodge Locator Sharon Lodge No. 182

Interested in Joining Sharon #182?


Thank you for inquiring about becoming a member of Sharon No. 182! You have made the first step in becoming a part of the world's oldest and largest fraternity. Please complete the form below and a representative of Sharon 182 will contact you and help answer any questions you may have.

If you are unsure of what lodge you would like to join please complete the generic form and a representative from the Grand Lodge of Maryland will contact you and help you find a lodge.

Personal Information

Contact Information

Birth Date and Location



General Information

Street Address
85 Main Street
Reisterstown , MD   21136

Lodge Events

Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   09/04/2024 -

Greetings Brethren, 

We will have the 1st degree proficiency on our 1st stated meeting. 

Please support our Entered Apprentice Brothers. 

Thank you very much. 

Sincerely and fraternally, 

Ed Regino II

Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   09/18/2024 -

 Greetings Brethren, 

We are taking up the Grand Masonic Word on this day with our Grand Inspector Bro. Goodyl Tejano P.M.

Please plan to attend. Agenda will be sent out a week prior to the scheduled stated meeting.

Thank you and I hope to see everyone! 

Ed Regino II

Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   10/02/2024 -
Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   10/16/2024 -


On our second stated meeting, I will be taking up the Grand Masonic Word. Please plan to attend. 

I appreciate every ones support and participation in all our events and meetings. Meeting agenda will be sent out a week before our meeting. 

Sincerely and fraternally, 

Ed Regino II

Worshipful Master

Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   11/06/2024 -
Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   11/20/2024 -

Sharon Lodge No. 182 Annual Thanksgiving Holiday Party 2024

Brethren and Family, 

Please join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm for our Annual Thanksgiving Holiday Party.  This year and everyday we have so much to be thankful for. We went through a lot of challenges but with our hard work and perseverance we were able to accomplished so much, individually and collectively. 

This is a pot luck event. Please bring  your favorite dish or two  to share with everyone. I am requesting for your cooperation to please sign up and let us know ahead of time what dish you would like to bring and how many people are attending so that we can anticipate the drinks and silverwares we need for the event. This will also prevent us from having the same dish. 

As always, I appreciate everyone's cooperation for the continued success of our beloved Blue Lodge!

Sincerely and fraternally, 

Ed Regino II

Sharon 182 Stated Meeting   12/04/2024 -


This coming Wednesday, December 4, 2024. We are going to have our annual election for the new officers of Sharon Lodge No. 182. I am grateful to everyone who supported our events, activities, meetings for the year 2024. It has been an amazing 12 months of camaraderie, friendship and brotherly love throughout the year. I have no doubt that whoever will be elected for the next ensuing term will equally if not have a wonderful year with what our brothers has started. I hope it becomes a culture for Sharon Lodge in addition to what our founding brothers has started. We can always look back and learn but definitely move forward and be better. 

I am requesting for everyone to attend our stated meeting to show their support for our next line. 

I am truly grateful for everything that each and everyone has done for each other. 

It has been an amazing year. 

Sincerely and fraternally, 

Ed Regino II